‘Stay home, stay safe’ became the key surviving mantra in the year 2020 due to the abrupt outbreak of Covid-19, making it a pandemic to suffer. Being a contagious virus, the earnest need was to stabilize the mobility of the people across the globe. Every travel had to be put on hold, and every person’s commute needed urgent attention. Social-distancing, self-quarantining, and isolating become viral hashtags. Yes, all of them help prevent the spread of the virus; they are not to be confused as interchangeable terms. Here is how you can stay informed with GoTimePrepper:-
- Social-distancing- This is the distance to be maintained from anybody outside the homes. WHO and other authorities have recommended a safe gap of 2 meters (6 feet) between two individuals.
- Self-Quarantining- People with a travel history follow it as a preventive measure for the already infected person or a suspected case. The people who have or may have been exposed to the virus must not come in contact with any person for at least 14 days.
- Isolating- It can be followed even within a family. The underlining purpose is to separate people who have even the mildest symptoms from other family members. Wearing a mask, separating dishes, not sharing a bedroom/washroom, etc. are some of the medical suggestions.
How to follow safety norms on your own?
We understand that staying alone in all these cases can be mentally torturing. You will need daily-routine things. GoTimePrepper is certain to make available all medical supplies, survival gear, emergency food supplies, etc. without physical contact to make your stay at home manageable.
- Order online- From medical kits to food packages, hand-sanitizers to battery essentials, try ordering everything online to avoid coming in contact with anybody. Ask for contactless deliveries.
- Utilize your hobbies- Read a book to not only kill time but also to enhance your knowledge. Listening to music is a great way to uplift mood. You can also binge-watch a documentary.
- Social contact- Stay active on social media to virtually touch with others while you stay away physically.
We know these are hard times, but you are not alone. We strive to make your daily chores easy by supplying you with the essential gears and things promptly. We shall together overcome this tough phase.